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Artist Statement

    Having the ability to express yourself in a way that makes you feel the most creative is something that I have had the opportunity to do through expressing my passions and character in the art that I create. While working on an art piece I always see myself as a person reflected in whatever I am working on. I also find that while I work on a new piece I am learning more about the styles I prefer and what pleases my creative pallet and it is reflected throughout my artwork.


   When working on something that I have sentimental value or a connection to, I find that I will spend more time and put more effort into the project because I have a sense of connection to the project and I want the piece to turn out as good as I can make it, especially if I am creating something to give to someone. When I intend to give my work to someone, having that personal drive to make my art as good as it can help me not only with the quality of the artwork but also with my time management and how much I invest in the project. Having that extra bit of motivation and personal connection helps me a lot. 

    I have found that having a creative outlet for me to express my creativity has changed the way that I see and interact with regular day-to-day things because I now see everything through an artist’s perspective and I am very glad I have started my creative journey and I look forward to improving and making as much art as I can.

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